Kimia Wellness Blog

How Acupuncture Supports Fertility for Men & Women HOLISTIC FERTILITY TREATMENTS are the way of the future! Acupuncture can be used to support

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Weight Loss & Weight Regulation Don’t struggle with your weight any longer! It’s time to be your best self! At Kimia wellness we can tackle

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Headaches photo

How to Get Rid of a Headache Studies show that more people complain about headaches than any other medical ailment. There are approximately 45 million

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Immune problems / respiratory system photo

Boosting the Immune System & Overcoming Respiratory System Diseases Taking care of your immune and respiratory systems is vital to the everyday functions of the

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Holistic health treatments are the best way to support Pre and Post Natal journeys, and keep your growing baby happy during pregnancy! In conjunction with your regular 

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Stress and anxiety are ever-growing ailments facing most people today, which are even more prevalent now, during a pandemic! When anxiety becomes a daily struggle,

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As nature paints the landscape with the warm hues of autumn foliage, a subtle transformation occurs in the air

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Winter provides an opportunity for introspection and energy replenishment, encouraging a deep connection with one’s inner world.

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